Ya está a la venta en el mercado americano la versión en inglés de Los Caminantes (Carlos Sisi) de la mano de la editorial Permuted Press con el título "The Wanderers".
Se puede comprar en Amazón en versión Kindle aquí o en formato papel aquí.
Os pego lo que un lector, que ha dado una puntación de 5, ha comentado sobre el libro:
"An enjoyable twist on the tired Zombie genre, The Wanderers, shows how the zombie genre still has some undead life left within it. When a twisted and ruthless priest sides with the mindless zombies, the scattered traces of humanity have more to fear than the shuffling undead. I found this book to be an intense reader, graphic in description, and brutal towards its characters. Many of the characters are given a quick back story, faced with a zombie, and then brutally torn to shreds. There are a few moments where the imagery presented by the author was difficult to follow, but I attribute this to the translation. The book fails on trying to explain the infection, I'm still not entirely certain whether the zombie infection is biological or supernatural in nature, and I think the author should have avoided trying to ground the infected in the real world. There are two more books in this trilogy waiting to be translated, I have a lot to look forward to! "
Desde Amazon también se puede comprar la versión Kindle de Hades Nebula aquí.
El Padre Isidro ya está dando guerra al otro lado del charco.
Estupenda noticia para el zombi patrio, y por extensión al gran amigo Carlos.
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